The Ghost Trailer: Nag’s sophisticated dapper Akkineni Nagarjuna ‘s most awaited action thriller The Ghost is up for its theatrical release on October 5th. Meanwhile, its promotions are in full swing and garnering a huge response from the moviegoers. Earlier, its teaser had caught the audiences’ attention and now, the trailer has come out to tie them tightly to it. Just a while ago, Superstar Mahesh Babu has disclosed the trailer, which showcases Nagarjuna’s intensified action sequences and it seems like an extension of the teaser. In the trailer, Nag is seen as Vikram, who is on his journey to save his sister and his niece from severe danger. In the movie, Gul Panag plays Nag’s sister, while Anikha Surendran is Nag’s niece. The way Nagarjuna performs an electrifying fight with guns and swords in the trailer, showcases his expertise and the entire film proves his mettle. Moreover, the film is blended with widespread and magical elements and the movie will definitel...