It is known that Mahesh Babu has fixed another movie in the Trivikram combination after Maharshi. It is noteworthy that while this film is being made with a huge budget under the banner of Harika Hasini Creations, the news that Sanjay Dutt will be seen as the villain in the film is being circulated. It is known that Sanjay Dutt, who played the villain in the movie KGF2, played a key role in the success of this movie.
But an official announcement is yet to come regarding the viral news. The producers of Harika Hasini Creations are producing the Mahesh Trivikram Combo movie without compromising on the cost. It is noteworthy that Sanjay Dutt also said in recent interviews that he wants to act as a villain in South movies. It is reported that the remuneration of the actors and technicians of this film will be around 120 crore rupees.
The comments indicate that there is a possibility of a pre-release business of Rs 300 crores for this movie. Pooja Hegde, who has not had a proper hit in recent times, has pinned her hopes on this film. Trivikram, who achieved success with Aravinda Sametha and Ala Vaikunthapuramulo, is expected to achieve a hat-trick with this film. This movie is going to be released on April 28, 2023.
It is noteworthy that as the shooting is going on slowly, it is not easy to release this film on that date. Trivikram is taking care to have many special features in this movie. While different titles are being promoted for this movie, an official clarification regarding the title of this movie is yet to come. It is known that Mahesh Babu’s market for cinema is increasing.
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