After the release of the movie Ligar, Puri Jagannadh is often in the news through some controversy. The film failed to meet expectations and turned out to be a disaster at the box office. It is known that when the distributors threatened to stage a dharna in front of the film chamber if Liger makers did not return their money, Puri Jagannadh filed a complaint at the Jubilee Hills police station to protect his family. Now Tollywood senior director and producer Tammareddy Bharadwaja has faulted the buyers and distributors for blaming director Puri Jagannadh for Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday starrer Liger disaster.
Responding over the issue in a YouTube video, Tammareddy Bharadwaja asked as to why buyers invested so many crores on Vijay Deverakonda. He added, “The buyer should make an assessment of hero Vijay Deverakonda’s previous movie results and market value before investing on him.” He asked them as to whether Puri Jagannandh visited their houses and requested to buy Liger movie.
Tammareddy stated that buyers and distributors invested money on Vijay Deverakonda expecting huge returns and blaming Puri Jagnnadh after Liger flopped at box office. He made it clear that Puri is not responsible for Liger failure.
Tammareddy further said, “When a movie gets a profit, the buyers or distributors won’t give back the profits but if a film gets a flop then distributors target the filmmakers.
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