Chethan Kumar’s directorial venture features the late Kannada star Puneeth Rajkumar in his final lead role. James is an action entertainer which also has Priya Anand, Meka Srikanth, Anu Prabhakar Mukherjee, and others in the crucial roles. Appu’ elder brothers Raghavendra Rajkumar and Shivarajkumar are playing cameos in James. The movie was recently released in theaters and became a sensational hit, especially in Kannada. Now, the movie James is ready to make its debut on the OTT platform. The OTT giant Sony LIV, which grabbed the post-theatrical rights of James has officially confirmed that late actor Puneeth Rajkumar starrer will be released on its platform on 14th April 2022 in Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi..
James is a full fledged commercial entertainer with Puneeth playing the lead role. Appu essays the role of Santhosh Kumar AKA James, a paratrooper and a fierce protector in this actioner.
James made a history for bringing together the three Rajkumar brothers with both Shiva Rajkumar and Raghavendra Rajkumar playing small but effective cameos. Shiva Rajkumar also lends his voice to Appu’s character in James following the latter’s tragic and unfortunate demise on 29th October, 2021.
James has the music by Charan Raj and Swamy J. Gowda is the cinematographer.
The hero who inspires, the hero who entertains, the hero who is absolutely adored!! Bringing the power-packed action of your favourite hero right to your home. Watch the teaser now.#JamesOnSonyLIV #James #PuneethRajkumar @PRKAudio @PuneethRajkumar @PriyaAnand @realsarathkumar
— SonyLIV (@SonyLIV) March 30, 2022
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