political news
Bigg Boss Non-Stop Telugu: 7 contestants in nomination for eviction The controversial reality show Bigg Boss Non-Stop is a spin-off Telugu-language reality digital series of the show Bigg Boss that airs exclusively on Star India’s streaming service platform Disney+ Hotstar with host King Nagarjuna. This week seven contestants are nominated for the eviction. Shiva nominated Sarayu and further nominated Mumait Khan. Mithraw Sharma nominated Ariyana Glory and this irked her, who said she will not tolerate anyone. Ariyana accepted the nomination by calling it unfair. Mithraw nominated Nataraj and RJ Chaitu nominated Hamida Khatoon. RJ Chaitu nominated Nataraj and blamed that the latter is body shaming him. Nataraj got emotional and he denied body-shaming RJ Chaitu. It is known that Nataraj was one of the most controversial contestants of Bigg Boss 5 Telugu. Ajay Kathurvar nominated Nataraj whe...