Raj Tarun, who is known for acting in romantic and comedy movies, is currently working for ‘Anubhavinchu Raja,’ which is being helmed by Sreenu Gavireddy and bankrolled by Supriya Yarlagadda under the banner of the Annapurna Studios Pvt Ltd in association with the Sree Ventakeswara Cinemas LLP. Now according to the latest report, the makers of Anubhavinchu Raja have locked the release date of the film. Raj Tarun starrer ‘Anubhavinchu Raja’ will be released on 26th November in theaters. Today morning the makers confirmed the release date by sharing a new poster on Twitter handle.
In the month of September, RRR and Rangasthalam fame Ram Charan extended his support and launched the teaser of Anubhavinchu Raja that generated good buzz among the movie lovers.
The movie Anubhavinchu Raja is all about cockfights, and Raj Tarun will be seen essaying the role of a guy, the native of Bhimavaram, who is obsessed with the cockfight betting.
The reports are coming that in this film, Raj Tarun is playing the role of a carefree youth. The movie also has Sudharshan, Ariyana Glory, Temper Vamsi, Aadukalam Naren, Kashish Khan Krishna Murali Posani, Ajay, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Chandoo Sai, Bhupal Raj, and others in the crucial roles.
#AnubhavinchuRaja Coming to theatres On this Nov26th
Get ready for the Full-on Entertainment Carnival!@AnnapurnaStdios @SVCLLP @itsRajTarun @GavireddySreenu @GopiSundarOffl @adityamusic #AROnNov26th— BA Raju’s Team (@baraju_SuperHit) October 31, 2021
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