Allu Arjun special hug to Vijay Deverakonda: ThaggedheLe X AagLagaDenge Few days ago, the young and happening actor Vijay Deverakonda and Allu Arjun was spotted together sharing the same dais on the occasion of trailer launch event of Anand Deverakonda starrer upcoming romantic and comedy entertainer Pushpaka Vimanam. Now the few photographs are going viral on the social media in which Vijay Deverakonda and Allu Arjun are seen hugging each other. Arjun Reddy star also shared a collage photographs of him greeting and hugging Bunny on the stage. However, his caption – #ThaggedheLe X #AagLagaDenge for the picture steals the show. One of the fastest rising star, Vijay Deverakonda climbed the ladder of fame in a short period. Arjun Reddy and Geetha Govindam fame Vijay is extremely popular among youngsters. His unique selection of the movies is said to be the primary reason behind his success. From Dear Comrade, Arjun Reddy to Geetha Govindam and World Famous Lover, a...