As the shoot of Allu Arjun and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Pushpa has been halted, Sukumar is again working on the script during this lockdown period. While Sukumar is training all of the actors of Pushpa in Chittoor slang Telugu, he is also polishing the emotional aspects of the story of Allu Arjun starrer. The movie is based on the lives of red sandalwood smugglers
The sources close to the makers revealed that the hero of the film, Pushpa Raj, gets separated from his family members during childhood and will be on a quest to find them. The last 30 minutes of the film Pushpa is the main story and it will be loaded with sentimental scenes. The movie Pushpa is based on sandalwood smuggling, poaching trees in Nallamala forest, fighting with forest officers but the emotional angle in the film Pushpa will be elevating it’s power to the new level.
Stylish Star will be seen sporting a rugged look in Sukumar’ directorial venture Pushpa and the movie will be shot in the Nallamala forest region. Pushpa is bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers and the music is scored by Devi Sri Prasad. The makers were supposed to start shooting in April, but it has now been postponed due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.
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