Boyapati reveals secret hidden in Balakrishna film Ever since Balayya Babu’ next project with Boyapati Srinu was announced, there have been rumors that Nandamuri Balakrishna will be seen playing the role of a Aghora in his ongoing film under the direction of Boyapati Srinu . Until now, the makers have not confirmed the buzz around Balakrishna’ Aghora getup. But recently during an interview, Boyapati Srinu, who is popular for making mass masala movies, interacted with media and attended an interview on the occasion of Simha completing 10 years. Boyapati Srinu confirmed that Balakrishna will indeed be seen as an Aghora in his upcoming untitled directorial venture. Boyapati Srinu added, “It’s true, There is an Aghora like character in the film. I want to design something different from how I showcased Balayya Babu in the movies- Simha and Legend and that’s why I came up with this character.” According to Boyapati Srinu, the characterization of Balayya in...