We have already reported that Anushka Shetty starrer horror thriller drama Bhaagamthie is being remade in Bollywood and its Hindi version is titled as Durgavathi. Bhumi Pednekar is on the board to play the female lead role and she is reprising the role of Anushka Shetty from the original. Currently, the shoot of Durgavati is going on at the brisk pace in Bhopal. The film unit are planning to continue non-stop 2 months shoot. According to the latest update, Akshay Kumar who played the role of villain in Shankar’ directorial venture 2.0 starring Rajinikanth, will be seen playing a cameo in Bhaagamthie remake- Durgavati.
The film Durgavti is being helmed by Bhaagamathie’s director Ashok and is presented by Akshay Kumar and Bhushan Kumar. Durgavati follows a woman imprisoned in a haunted house while being interrogated in a corruption case.
Earlier in an interview, Bhumi Pednekar talked about her role in the film Durgavati and said, “Durgavati is going to take me in horror space. It is the most challenging and special project for me as it is for the first time the responsibility will be on my shoulders.” Now It is being heard that Akshay Kumar will be seen in the role of a cameo in Durgavati, the remake of Anushka Shetty starrer Bhaagamthie.
from NEWS – Tollywood
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