Shirtless Sundeep Kishan in towel The young actor Sundeep Kishan took to his Instagram recently and shared a photograph of him. He also confirmed that he would resume shooting for his next film A1 Express . Coming on the photograph, Shirtless Sundeep Kishan is seen in a white towel. He also showcases his impeccable abs and bulging biceps. Sundeep Kishan, who made his acting debut with Telugu coming-of-age musical drama Sneha Geetham, is all set to resume shooting for his next movie A1 Express which is a sport based drama. Ra Ra Krishnayya fame Sundeep said, “ A1 Express update, All Set to Be Back on Set tomorrow… Thank my Mental team for Being as Mental as me to Go ahead and shoot.” Sundeep Kishan stayed at home throughout the lockdown phase in Hyderabad. Amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, he has opted to resume shooting for his upcoming film A1 Express, which is helmed by Dennis Jeevan Kanukolanu. Sundeep Kishan has decided to flaunt his six...
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