Samantha Saaki gift hamper to Rashmika Mandanna, She says: I love my goodies Samantha Ruth Prabhu is one of the popular name in South Indian Film Industry. Recently she made her debut in OTT world with The Family Man 2. It is known that last year, Samantha launched her own clothing brand Saaki. Now according to the latest report, Samantha recently sent a Saaki’s gift hamper to Kannada lady Rashmika Mandanna . Her clothing brand Saaki, an online fashion brand designed for collective modern women, has seen tremendous growth that Rangasthalam lady is planning to expand her online clothing brand to 15 countries worldwide. Geetha Govindam girl who was very happy, shared the pics of goodies on social media site and said, “Came home to this. Congratulations to you my gorgeous lady. For all that you have done and for one with saaki. So so proud of you and happy for you. And I love my goodies.” On the career front, Samantha is currently waiting for the release ...