Ilaiyaraaja threatened by Sai Prasad, lodged complaint Music Maestro Ilaiyaraaja has lodged a complaint with the Police Commissioner’ Office. The music director alleged that someone stole music notes he had written and damaged musical instruments and other belongings in his room at Prasad Studio in Saligramam, Chennai. The well-known music composer Ilaiyaraaja stated in his complaint that Sai Prasad and his men entered the suite that belongs to the composer at Prasad Studios. He has complained that musical instruments worth Crs of rupees have been damaged by trespassing into his office and that someone has stolen and sold the notes he had written. He has also complained that part of the studio was given to him by LV Prasad for his talent and for composing the music for his company’s films. The music director Ilaiyaraaja further complained that Sai Prasad who wanted him to vacate the place has intentionally damaged the music equipments and stolen notes with h...