The female lead of Nani starrer upcoming film with Vikram Kumar of 24, Manam and Hello fame, has become the talk of town. Few days ago, it was heard that Vikram Kumar was planning to bring Mallu girl Priya Prakash Varrier on the board to play the female lead but now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Vikram Kumar has approached Keerthy Suresh to play the female lead in his upcoming directorial venture in which Natural Star Nani will play the lead role. In Tollywood, Keerthy Suresh was last seen in Nag Ashwin ’s directorial venture Mahanati , in which she essayed the role of South Indian legendary actress Savitri and the movie was one of the biggest blockbuster of the year. After the release of Mahanati, Keerthy Suresh did not sign any Telugu film. But now Vikram Kumar is planning to bring Keerthy Suresh in Tollywood once again. Earlier both Nani and Keerthy Suresh have worked together for Nenu Local in 2017, directed by Trinadha Rao Nakkina and jointly...