Vinaya Vidheya Rama is an upcoming Telugu action and romantic entertainer movie in which Ram Charan Teja and Kiara Advani are playing the lead roles. According to the latest update Vinaya Vidheya Rama First Single “Thandaane Thandaane” will be out on 3rd December at 4 pm. Upasana Kamineni Konidela, the wife of Ram Charan who is popular for sharing the updates of Ram Charan films has also confirmed the news about Vinaya Vidheya Rama First Single by sharing the poster in her Twitter. According to her, she has already heard Vinaya Vidheya Rama First Single Thandaane Thandaane. Upasana wrote on Twitter, “I’ve heard the song and it’s fab. #vvrfirstsingle #ramcharan @Advani_Kiara u look super” Lahari Music which has acquired the music rights of Vinaya Videhya Rama, tweeted, ” VVRFirstSingle “Thandaane Thandaane” will be out on 3rd December at 4PM #VinayaVidheyaRama #RamCharan @Advani_Kiara @vivekoberoi A Rockstar @ThisisDSP Musical… A Boyapati Sreenu Film… @DVVMov...